Liqui Moly Top Tec ATF 1600 - 1L
Fully synthetic automatic transmission fluid, developed for exclusive use in 1st generation Mercedes-Benz 7-speed automatic transmission (up to June 2010) and also compatible with various older Mercedes-Benz 5-speed automatic transmission requirements. Improved formula for sustained transmission life and maximum transmission shift performance. The fluid is a red color.
- excellent corrosion protection
- excellent wear resistance
- prevents foam formation
- excellent viscosity/temperature properties
- very good low-temperature properties
- outstanding resistance to oxidation
- for eliminating shifting problems
- outstanding friction characteristics
- excellent resistance to aging
Specifications and approvals MB-Approval 236.14 LIQUI MOLY also recommends this product for vehicles or assemblies for which the following specifications or original part numbers are required
MB 236.12