GR Supra EcuTeck A90 OBD Unlock
SKU EDO-SupraUnlock
by EcuTek
Original price
$ 650.00
Original price
$ 650.00
Original price
$ 650.00
$ 650.00
$ 650.00
Current price
$ 650.00
BMW and Toyota's latest reflash update for their newer vehicles prevents OBD Programming. This service will enable OBD Programming once again!
How it works
We plug in directly to the ECU for the unlock. This means that you will have to ship the ECU to us. Once the service is completed, we will ship the ECU back to you using FedEx Priority Overnight at no additional cost.
A EcuTek Programming License is put on the ECU at the time of the unlock. We will not be able to use a license that was sold to you by another EcuTek tuner.